Jon Barclay N5JA handles the 160SSB duties while Bob Pack
NX5M milks 10SSB for every possible QSO.
Dale Hill N5XT, working at the 160SSB station while Lance
Jahnke KB5ZFO operates the 10SSB station. He asks Dale, "Are you
working anyone? I'm not!"
Dawn comes just minutes before the end of the contest
at K5TR.
Ken Quin K5TSQ operated a lot of 15CW at W5KFT. On the
shore of Lake Buchanan, W5KFT was the western-most W1AW/5 location.
Kent Porter KE4NT on 160SSB and Mike Schoppe N5XJ on
10SSB. The team at NX5M had a lot of ten meter antennas from which
to choose - eleven mono-band yagis!
A little later in the contest, Jon Barclay N5JA on
160SSB and Mike Schoppe N5XJ on 10SSB.
Mike Hance K5NZ works the Saturday morning pileups on
20SSB, while Jennifer Sims W5JEN calls CQ on 80SSB.
The top twenty meter yagi of the NW stack
and the four-element SE twenty meter yagi at K5TR.
Bryan Edwards W5KFT works 40SSB while Robert Brandon K5PI
handles the pileups on 15CW. Bob Allen KK5MI catches the action on
The team at W5KFT, waiting for a thunderstorm cell
to pass clear of the station.
Bob Pack NX5M running 160SSB, while Paul Frantz W5PF
maintains 10SSB.
John Dvoracek KE5C, running the late night pileups
on 15CW.
Bryan Edwards W5KFT on 40SSB. The 40SSB station
had three Cushcraft 402CD antennas and a dipole at their disposal.
John Dvoracek KE5C on 40SSB and Marv Bloomquist N5AW
on 15CW.
The photos never do justice to the severity of the storms, which
were very lightning-intensive. The towers at N5TW all survived
After the storms had passed, Ignacio Rubio EA4AHD and Jack Markum
N5DUW kick the station back into high gear. Dick Foster W5TA
listens on the wireless headphones.