The team at W5KFT, ready to rock and roll on 40SSB
5A and 15CW.
Bryan Edwards W5KFT, going over the operational plan
for the weekend.
The main 10CW antenna at N5CQ was six Force 12 C-3
antennas stacked on a 195' rotating Rohn 55G tower.
Paul Frantz W5PF on 160SSB and Don Barclay N5OLS on
10SSB. The team at NX5M persevered despite the noise and poor
Peter Nance N5TR working 20SSB, and Mike Hance
K5NZ manning the 80SSB station. The K5TR location was spared the
thunderstorm cells and never had to shut down.
Jennifer Sims W5JEN working stations on 80SSB while
Ken Harker WM5R reaches for an antenna switch on 20SSB.
Lance Jahnke KB5ZFO stands out of frustration with 10SSB,
while Paul Frantz W5PF stays with it on 160SSB. Don Barclay
N5OLS awaits his turn to operate.
Jon Barclay N5JA explains to Paul Frantz W5PF how big it
was (whatever IT was) while Bob Pack NX5M sits back and keeps
an eye on everything else.
The team at N5TW used an Elecraft K2/100 driving an Alpha 87A on 20CW.
N5TW is one of the first contest stations in the country with a 100 watt
Elecraft radio.
Ignacio Rubio EA4AHD digs into the pileups on 20CW, while Dave
Hassell N5IW listens. The amplifier is an Alpha 87A.
Robert Brandon K5PI answers a station on 15CW while
Marvin Bloomquist N5AW calls CQ on 40SSB.
Bob Allen KK5MI and Stephen Johnson N5OAK traveled to
all six W1AW/5 locations to film. Bob owns a
business that specializes in wedding and event videos.
In addition to three complete operating stations at
K5NA, an Icom IC-765 was used as a spotting/backup station.
Dennis Mowers K5YA, filling the log on 40CW. The rig
was a Yaesu FT-1000MP Mk V.
The NE twenty meter stack at K5TR. Both antennas are
NW3Z design OWA yagis, six elements on a 44' boom.
Mike Hance K5NZ on 20SSB. The rig is a Kenwood
TS-850SAT and the amplifier is an Alpha 87A.