Gary Schmidt W5ZL, operating 15 meters CW in the 2004 CQ world Wide
DX Contest.
Dick Foster W5TA, operating the multiplier station during the
2004 CQ World Wide DX Contest, CW.
W5TA, W5ZL, and K5PI operating the night shift in the 2004
CQ World Wide DX Contest, CW.
Robert K5PI and Gary W5ZL, having a good time in the 2004 CQ World
Wide DX Contest, CW.
Gerald Youngblood AC5OG demonstrates his
Flex-Radio software-defined
HF transceiver to Tom Whiteside N5TW at the 2004
W5 DX Bash.
In the summer of 2003, one of the large live oak
trees near the W5KFT Ranch Station shattered and fell in a storm.
It was the support for the northeast 80 meter sloper dipole, and
was one of three guy anchor points from the short tower next to the
operating building. Surprisingly, the tower remained standing,
and seemed not to have suffered any damage.
Robert Brandon K5PI come out to the Ranch for Field Day,
the weekend after the big storm.
The tree took out a section of the fence around the Ranch
compound. Fortunately, the cattle hadn't discovered the breach or
were uninterested in pushing past the mess of broken tree limbs to get
to the green lawn inside the fence.