2011 CTDXCC CQ World Wide WPX Contest, Phone
Call Station Ops Category QSOs Mults Score
KX5A K5XA K5XA SOAB LP 287 215 168,900
NU5DE NU5DE N5KF SOAB LP 141 126 54,936
WI5ID K5IID K5IID SOAB LP T/S 436 328 336,828
NR5M NR5M NR5M SOAB HP 3384 1163 10,817,063
KT5J K5TR K5TR SOAB HP 3391 1081 8,093,447
WM5R K5NA WM5R SOAB HP 2869 1008 6,000,624
N5DO N5DO N5DO SOSB/15 732 503 776,632
NQ5K NQ5K W5ASP SOSB/15 A 1020 584 1,233,992
NX5M NX5M many M/M 5864 1467 18,025,029
AB5K AB5K many M/M 1033 466 803,850
NX5M ops: NX5M, KU5B, N5XJ, KJ5T
AB5K ops: AB5K, K9MBB
"Have you ever had one of those contests where everything just works
great? Propagation is good for you, signals are strong, your long
suffering line noise has vanished, your every move seems to be blessed
with good fortune in short you feel at one with bands. I have too.
But that was some other weekend, during some other contest. My contest
started on 15 meters. At 0035 UTC, the Ameritron AL-1500 amplifier that
I was using blew up in a most impressive display of POPS, cracks, sizzle,
and smoke. The plume of smoke blasting out of the top tube vent was
not unlike the smoke seen when a NASCAR engine blows at Daytona." - K5TR
"When your mother-in-law's 90th birthday happens to be on WPX
weekend... well you better show up! If I hadn't. my 91 year old
father-in-law would probably kick my you know what! All-in-all, it was
a fun time, but 40 meters and 80 meters desparately need antenna
improvement! Hopefully, I will get it done before the CW weekend." - K5IID
"I worked very hard this year on 3 and 6 point QSOs, so my QSO count was
down, but my score was up. I was a zombie by the time I ran out of time
with about 6 hours left to go in the contest. At one point I was in the
chair for 17+ hours with only ONE 2 minute bio break! I slept the second
night only and only for one and one-half hours. This definitely degraded
my performance by the end of the contest." - NR5M
"It sure was great to finally have a decent 80 meter antenna to use!" - K5XA
"Wow! Great conditions on 15 meters. On Saturday, I was the lead
instructor for our local radio club's Technician license class, so I was
unable to operate most of the day. I ended up operating 8 hours less than
last year, but had a substantially better score due to the better
conditions." - N5DO
"Just a casual operation checking out things configured for Multi-operator,
Multi-transmitter operation." - AB5K
"This was not a full time effort - we got plenty of sleep at night. It's
hard to do a serious multi without enough people." - NX5M