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2010 CTDXCC Sweepstakes CW Operations

Station  Op    Call   Category   QSOs    Mults   Score
N5DO    N5DO    N5DO    SOLP     1034     80     165,440
NO5W    NO5W    NO5W    SOLP      659     78     102,804
K5IID   K5IID   K5IID   SOLP      517     79      81,686
AC4CA   AC4CA   AC4CA   SOLP      419     79      66,202
K5XA    K5XA    K5XA    SOLP       62     35       4,340
NX5M    NX5M    NX5M    SOLP        6      3          36
W5KFT   K5PI    W5KFT   SOHP     1428     80     228,480
K5WA    K5WA    K5WA    SOHP     1333     80     213,280
K5TR    K5OT    K5TR    SOHP     1262     80     200,000
NR5M    KU5B    NR5M    SOHP     1247     80     199,520
W5XD    W5XD    W5XD    SOHP     1084     80     173,440
N5XZ    N5XZ    N5XZ    SOHP      495     79      78,210
W5ASP   W5ASP   W5ASP   SO/U      800     80     128,000
N5XJ    N5XJ    N5XJ    SO/U      253     64      32,384

"Conditions were really good. 15 meters sounded great before the contest, so I took a chance, started running there, and logged a 106 hour. It was a solid producer for six hours on Sunday, too. The low bands were whisper quiet both evenings. This was a personal best for me." - K5PI (@ W5KFT)

"This was my introduction to SO2R and after some coaching Friday night I could tell this wasn't going to be easy. The first couple of hours were pretty tough going and I never thought I'd ever get past 400. I started working the second radio pretty hard and everything got much easier. Win-Test certainly makes things a lot simpler. Thanks to K5PI for providing some tips on config." - KU5B (@ NR5M)

"I was amazed at how well I was able to do on 80 meters where I have only a very ordinary inverted vee with the apex at about 50 feet. My new SteppIR DB18 worked well on 40 meters on Saturday night, but the band went away quickly. The major shortcoming I had was no ability to do SO2R. On Sunday, that was very noticable; to somewhat simulate SO2R I alternated between periods of attempting to run, and when that slowed down (to a point where I would call CQ for several minutes with no responses) I would Search and Pounce up or down the band. But I was not able to do both at the same time. By next year, I plan to have my SO2R capability back again." - N5DO

"It seemed like there was faster activity in the first half but VERY slow second half of this year's contest. Fun as usual though. My new 3 element 40 meter quad helped this year, and I was able to get a sweep faster than any other year. Having ALL the hard VE/VO mults call me on 40 meters was a first! After having 79 mults by midnight, NP4Z was the last one for me mid-Sunday morning." - K5WA

"CW Sweepstakes has always been one of my favorites. This year was especially nice with 15 meters open and to have a very quiet 80 meters on both nights. My score was almost the same as in 2009 with one less QSO and one more mult. I missed NL and NT. At least this year I heard an NT station, but I couldn't break the pileup. I never heard NL. I was thinking I would miss NE and MB, but got called by both late on Sunday. SNJ was another one that was surprisingly tough to get, as was PR." - NO5W

"It's been 7 years since I have really had antennas to have any real in Sweepstakes. But this weekend was fun. I missed the sweep by one section (NL) and I heard one and just figured I would get him later. Of course, later never came since I never heard him or another one all day! The quad at 40 feet performed very well on 15 meters and 20 meters. I held frequencies pretty well on 15 meters, but not so much on 20 meters. But then that's low power for you. Let's face it... when you are almost 70 years old, it's hard to keep after it for as long as you used to...well, at least for me. I heard a whole bunch of checks as old or older than mine that were beating the whey out of me. But that's OK - the bottom line is that I had a blast!" - K5IID

"I spent most of my time on 40 meters since the local QRN was less there than on 20 meters or 15 meters. I missed that last pesky section (NL). I heard VO1TA plenty but he was so weak here that he was very hard to copy. I tried a bunch but could never get through...oh well, so much for the sweep this time. The best news...I got my tower fixed so the antenna is up at normal height." - N5XZ

"This was my 26th consecutive CW Sweepstakes entry, and the first time in many years I could call it "serious". I put in 23 hours and enjoyed every minute. The work I did on my antenna systems this year all performed. The 50 ft mast I put up with a single feedline to wires on 80 meters, 40 meters, 20 meters, and 15 meters made a very adequate second antenna for SO2R on this contest from Texas. I got my first sweep on CW ever." - W5XD

"I've participated in many Sweepstakes in the past 40+ years from a wide variety of QTHs and station arrangements, but I can't remember when I had more enjoyment than I experienced this year at K5TR. (Thanks George!)" - K5OT (@ K5TR)

"A friend from out of town showed up unannounced at my door at 4:00 PM Sunday. I needed only NE for clean sweep. I had to forgo, and I KNOW I could have grabbed NE in the time remaining. Drat! Friendship now somewhat strained." - AC4CA

"I might have made a few more QSOs, but here at the home station I do not have paddles or a keyer and I do not like having to use a keyboard to send random code. Plus, I have some RF issues, especially with the tribander pointed back to the northwest and west, so I have to reduce power to 30 watts in those directions." - NX5M

"Not a very good score, even for a little less then 3 hours. Late developing unexpected overnight weekend company on Saturday, and more already planned company on Sunday afternoon that I originally thought I could work around. Effort (if one can call it that) was all Search and Pounce. Man, do I have my work cut out for me! But I did have fun during the time I managed to get on! I have to keep telling myself that I really do like SS CW!" - K5XA

"Some antenna feedline problems were not repaired until about noon on Sunday and I didn't feel much like operating once they were fixed. I will have to be contest-ready next time!!" - N5XJ


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