2009 IARU HF World Championship
Call Station Op Category CW QSOs SSB QSOs Zones HQs Score
NO5W NO5W NO5W SOLP CW 336 39 44 77,688
N5AW/0 N5AW/0 N5AW SOLP CW 415 71 59 150,410
W5KFT W5KFT K5PI SOHP CW 2003 108 107 1,335,365
N3BB N3BB N3BB SOHP CW 2007 96 119 1,306,125
N5ZK N5ZK W5ASP SOHP CW 605 48 31 135,959
K5NZ K5NZ K5NZ SOHP CW 400 46 34 99,520
N5DO N5DO N5DO SOQP MIX 352 55 50 65 131,675
W5ZL N5AW W5ZL SOLP MIX 949 311 100 115 803,670
KJ5T KJ5T KJ5T SOLP SSB 255 28 37 45,435
NA4M NA4M NA4M SOLP SSB 48 11 28 4,758
NX5M NX5M many M/S 1026 1092 112 145 1,638,118
(NX5M ops: NX5M, KU5B)
"As the evening wore on, I kept spinning the knob across the low bands,
thinking I should rack up some numbers there, but they were deserted.
20 meters was still hopping, so everyone was there. I worked 27 European
stations and 16 Japanese stations on 15 meters -- hopefully a taste of
propagation to come! Jim and I were on the radio for 24 hours and ended
up just four QSOs (and one mult) apart!" - K5PI (@ W5KFT)
"This was fun, it was hard, it was grinding, and it was the incredible
experience we call ham radio contesting when we actually can hear the Earth
turn." - N3BB
"This was my first serious effort in the SOLP category since 2005. I operated
the contest from a station belonging to Humanitarian International Services
Group, a global non-profit organization. The goals of this station are not for
contesting, but rather domestic and international disaster relief and
communications to benefit global humanitarian relief efforts. However, it was
an excellent opportunity to try the station out and test it's capabilities. I
have to say I had a great time operating from here." - KJ5T
"For me IARU started with a bang with my first QSO being with R0HQ but then it
settled in to mostly domestic QSOs for the rest of the morning and then on
Saturday afternoon it seemed like band conditions on 20 went totally to pot
and everyone disappeared. I was hoping that after returning from dinner with
the XYL that things would pick up on 40M and I wasn't disappointed with some
good openings into Europe, Africa, and South America. While 40M had a good
bit of QRN I was amazed at how well the noise blanker and noise reduction
worked on the K3. With the noise reduction set at 1-4 tuning across the
open frequencies on 40M you could hear nothing and then a signal would pop
up out of the silent background -- amazing." - NO5W
"Once again, I had the good fortune of operating IARU HF from Marv N5AW's
world-class single-op contest station while he and XYL Judy were away in
cooler climes. And again, I enjoyed the company of lifelong friend Bob
W5EK, who mounted a SOLP CW effort under his call from a card table set up
next to my operating position in Marv's shack. Each of us carry our own
IC-756 Pro II's out to N5AW along with our laptops, WinKeyers, paddles, and
all the trappings, where we reconfigure the shack for two separate
operations swapping antennas back and forth. We'd done this probably four
times before, but Marv's station continues to evolve, and the antenna
complement gets better every year." - W5ZL (@ N5AW)
"The tentative plan was to do a multi-op right up until a couple of days
before the contest. Colin KU5B and I were not sure if we wanted to do
this one without another operator to help out, but we did it anyway.
Unknown to us, whether we would actually do the whole 24 hours or not,
we basically stayed in the shack the entire 24 hours although only getting
22 hours of operating time. The end result was not too bad. A better
score than the last multi in 2007... but now I have to send an amp back
to Alpha." - NX5M
"I made my annual pilgrimage to Colorado to make me appreciate my antennas
at home (and to get away from the Texas heat). It can be frustrating, but
it is also amazing what you can work at times with 100 watts and a low wire.
I also decided this would be a good time to try out N1MM - only one radio
and no way I can be a top competitor. I had a few mangled exchanges but
by and large it went smoothly." - N5AW
"I knew I had a few obligations that would take me away for several hours at
scattered times, so I decided to try QRP. I had operated QRP in some domestic
contests, but never seriously in a DX (and domestic) contest. For most of the
day it was very difficult, but in the late afternoon and evening everything
magically got better and almost everyone I called heard me without too many
repeats." - N5DO