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2009 CTDXCC CQ World Wide DX CW Operations

Call  Station   Op(s)   Category       QSOs      Zones  Countries    Score
N5DO    N5DO    N5DO    SOAB QP          139       52      67        43,673
N5AW    N5AW    N5AW    SOAB LP         1313      140     421     2,012,307
K5IID   K5IID   K5IID   SOAB LP          234       69     140       127,490
N0IW    N0IW    N0IW    SOAB LP           85       37      62        22,473
N5KF    N5KF    N5KF    SOAB LP           77       48      40        19,888
W5GAI   W5GAI   W5GAI   SOAB LP A        418       90     182       300,560
K5WA    K5WA    K5WA    SOAB HP          873      121     280       946,360
K5NA    K5NA    K5NA    SOAB HP A       1234      166     566     2,492,460
N5ZK    N5ZK    W5ASP   SOSB/15          327       31      86       100,152
K3TD    K3TD    K3TD    SOSB/15           33       12      19         2,511
W5VX    W5VX    many    M/S HP          1557      144     435     2,426,746
NR5M    NR5M    many    M/M HP          5438      180     620    10,726,400

G6PZ    G6PZ    many    M/S HP          5282      159     584     7,945,642
K3LR    K3LR    many    M/M HP          7752      185     708    18,347,578

W5VX ops: W5VX, K5TSQ, K5JX
NR5M ops: K5GA, NM5M, W0MM, K5RT, W5OV, K5PI, NX5M, N5NU, N1XS, WM2H, 
          N5XJ, K5NZ, NR5M, KZ5KG

K3LR ops: K3LR, K3UA, K8CX, N2NC, N9RV, M0DXR, G0MTN, N3SD, N6TV, 
          W5ZL, N3GJ, K0DXC

"Great Contest. Same set up as in the past, One radio, one tower with a tribander/shorty forty and wires for 80 meters and 160 meters. We added a third operator and it made a lot of difference. Everyone had plenty of operating and plenty of rest...good for us old guys. Thanks to Ken, K5TSQ and Rene, K5JX for helping make this the highest CQWW CW score since I have been at this QTH." - W5VX

"I spent Saturday driving back from Tucson, so I thought I would try QRP. That was fine, except Sunday morning I woke up with some stomach bug and was unable to operate. The last two hours I felt OK, so I got on to finish out the contest. This was my first time with operating QRP in a DX contest. I was pleasantly surprised, in that I was able to work some Europeans on 40 meters with no difficulty (others never heard me) and I actually worked three BY stations on 20 meters." - N5DO

"This has been an amazing radio year for me with enough experiences to last a lifetime." - W5ZL (@ K3LR, 15 meters)

"I didn't want to do a serious effort this year because of other factors and I decided to just have fun. That meant doing a single-op assisted and going for the DX rather than going for a high score. I wanted to spend a weekend doing nothing but fast and furious DXing. I made a conscious decision early on not to call CQ and I managed to do a full weekend of only search and pounce. Let me repeat, I NEVER called CQ the entire weekend. I had never made 100 countries on 80 meters in any contest before and I really wanted to make it this time. At 2300 UTC Sunday evening, I was on 80 meters searching and things happened quickly. I heard and worked GW4BLE at 2309 UTC and then worked IS0/K7QD at 2310 UTC for #100. I raised my arms in the air and cheered." - K5NA

"Another great contest. Almost exactly the same number of QSOs as last year (2 less after removing the zero-point USA contacts) but 34 more multipliers thanks entirely to 15 meters and 10 meters. Thanks to FO8RZ who QSYed to 10 meters for a multiplier during the last few minutes to put my raw score over 2,000,000 - first time since 2003." - N5AW

"We could only get 24 hours in since we had 40 over S9 noise on day one, but I was able to give the antennas a good run after the noise died mid-day on Saturday. It kind of takes the wind out of your sail when you sit down to an S-meter hung at 40 over. Hopefully, we can find it soon." - K5WA

"Thanks to all the ops, the cook, and the station builders. We are getting a great team together. I appreciate all the hard work from each of you this weekend. There were just a couple of glitches. Skimmer was not workong until 1600 UTC Saturday due to a bad piece of coax. The brand new 10 meter 2-stack switch failed on Saturday causing a two hour Easter egg hunt to identify and repair the problem. Otherwise, The station played flawlessly. And thanks to all those who gave a call to our lil ole station in South Texas. Hope to hear you again real soon." - NR5M

"It is always a great time coming here. I worked a whole bunch of CTDXCCers on many bands, especially on 15 meters." - KU5B (@ G6PZ)

"This weekend is always tough to squeeze in time on the radio. This was my first time trying to operate assisted, which was more of a distraction than a productive endeavor compared to sweeping the bands unassisted. I quickly learned not to pounce on a new one too quickly as almost all the big guns were there too. By waiting a while I'd then have a chance to get through in a few calls. K5NA was a competitor in the S&P, but we didn't compete too much, and he always won :-)" - W5GAI

"I just work multipliers and a few US friends." - N0IW

"Damn, how I have nissed ham radio and contesting. This weekend was a blast and the bands were better than I expected. With only dipoles at very low heights, I was able to work stations that I never expected. Can't wait to get the quad up and on the air." - K5IID

"Part time, a few hours here and there." - N5KF


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