2008 CTDXCC Sweepstakes CW Operations
Station Op Call Category QSOs Mults Score
N5AW N5AW N5AW SOLP 1155 80 184,800
K5NZ K5NZ K5NZ SOLP 585 78 91,260
W5ZL W5ZL W5ZL SOLP 449 80 71,840
W5XD W5XD W5XD SOLP 130 49 12,740
K5TR N5RZ K5TR SOHP 1533 80 245,280
K5NA K5NA K5NA SOHP 1407 80 225,120
W5KFT K5PI W5KFT SOHP 1398 80 223,520
K5WA K5WA K5WA SOHP 1260 80 201,600
W5ASP W5ASP W5ASP SOHP 830 80 131,520
W5RQ W5RQ W5RQ SOHP 706 80 112,960
W5VX W5VX W5VX SOHP 272 72 39,168
N5XU AA5BT N5XU SRC 161 59 18,998
"Great activity!!!! 40 meters was a bottomless pit. My last section
for the sweep was N5DO in WTX on 80 meters just about sunrise on Sunday
morning. Thanks to all for the QSO's and again a special thanks to
George for the use of his great station." - N5RZ (@ K5TR)
"This was my 9th full time, single op entry in Sweepstakes, and it's very
unique. I feel like I learn something new each time. It's really two
contests in one. The first day feels almost like a Sprint -- lots of big
signals, fast CW, a long exchange. I worked in a few second radio QSOs, but
mostly focused on copying everything right the first time on the run radio.
Sunday is a whole other animal. I never even hit 60 QSOs an hour, but
worked as hard as I ever have in a contest!" - K5PI (@ W5KFT)
"The Sweepstakes is not one of my favorites, but since I was unable to
operate CQ World Wide SSB this year, I decided to give it a go. It was
a slow first hour, but things picked up with the next three hours over 80
QSOs/hour. I almost gave it up on Sunday morning when I couldn't get
any answers to my CQs. Things got better in the afternoon, but it was
still a slog to the end." - N5AW
"This was my best claimed score ever in the CW Sweepstakes by a total of
three QSOs. Sometimes I thought conditions were better than last year,
but other times I wasn't so sure. The QSOs seemed to come in waves, but
then I would have some long lean periods with few QSOs. I think I was more
tired starting this contest than ever before. I don't know if I didn't get
enough sleep after the CQWW Phone or if my age is starting to catch up
with me. I took a 90 minute nap just before the SS started, but that
didn't seem to help much. I trudged through it in a fog and eventually
made it to the end. Next year I will try to be more rested before it
starts." - K5NA
"I've scored higher in times with better propagation, but this was a
personal best in the CW weekend for me in the last few years. Again,
with only wires for an antenna farm, it was difficult to compete with
just a couple of slopers and inverted vees. My personal goal is to
again have an error rate of less than 1%, so we'll see how that works
out." - W5RQ
"I had a great start, but at 0400 UTC my only 40 meter antenna went dead.
I guess some unresolved issues from Hurricane Ike. I tried 80 meters hard,
but it just wasn't going to cut it, so I tossed in the towel. I think I
was right in the mix with A power guys, with K0EU ahead some, K7BG right
with me, and a couple others. Should be a good low power horserace! Then
to add insult to it all, I was getting my log ready to send in before going
to lunch Sunday and I did a dupe check, got an error, rebooted and all my
QSOs were gone! It just wasn't in the cards this year! Lots of good
operators and a bunch of fun while it lasted. I could have done without
all the leading zero's in the serial numbers, but I would rather have them
on than not.." - K5NZ
"This was a personal best and I had a ball. My best moment was around
5:00 PM on Sunday afternoon (after giving up on my sweep), when VE8EV
and KE0Z/VE4 called consecutively to finish my sweep. WOW!! Somebody
was watching out for me. This was my first time to NOT work VY1JA in
several years." - K5WA
"I hadn't intended to put a lot of hours in this weekend, especially given
the (ahem) important football games on teevee yesterday, but I was surprised
at how quickly I was filling in the little multiplier squares in N1MM, and
ultimately the lure of an actual clean sweep sucked me in. I was "A" all the
way, so trying to find those last few was quite a trick. I was missing some
stupidly simple states until well into Sunday afternoon, like Delaware
(heck, I was THERE physically Friday and can confirm that it ain't a postage
stamp sized place!), Nebraska and, of all places Oklahoma. You'd think I
would have worked ALL those guys before VY1, but no-o-o-o-oh. And speaking
of the VY1 (and I think there was probably only one), man was he a project!
He was quite strong here late this afternoon on 20, but apparently wasn't
hearing well at all. Twice he was clearly calling me, but was missing some
critical parts of the exchange (like my call the first time) when he
inexplicably quits in the exchange and says he's QSY'ing. "QSY'ing
WHERE???!!!" I finally broke the code. He was just ooching down a little at
a time in an apparent attempt to lose the QRM covering the split (up one)
calling frequency! That made no sense, but I finally completed the QSO.
Nebraska was my last mult, and just after I worked the first one on 80
meters (KX9X) with extreme difficulty, I ran into another on 40 meters
who was no-sweat loud. All this for a crummy whisk broom I'll lose in
the clutter of my shack." - W5ZL
"I was at my place in Idaho and decided to take my Elecraft K2 and make a
go of it for tradition's sake. I was able to raise a response from only
about 1/3 of the stations I answered. I had hopes that maybe being in a
less common section would give me a few dB, but calling CQ got me about
the same 20/hour rate as S&P, but, with only one radio to work with,
at least S&P gave me a sense of whether the band was even open, so
that's how I spent most of the time." - W5XD/7
"Currently, we don't have a working computer at the shack, so no
cluster info, and I just did the last 3.8 hrs, going around and
calling a bunch of CQers. At that stage of the Sweepstakes there
was not much waiting and almost everyone came right back except
for K5NA, who CQ-ed back in my face 2-3 times before deigning to
work me - I might have been off-frequency but I know I was loud,
so I dunno what happened." - AA5BT (@ N5XU)
"Way too many interruptions to work the contest. 40 meters seemed
especially good and 15 meters came through for a good run. 20 meters
was 20 meters." - W5VX