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2007 IARU HF World Championship

Call    Station  Op      Category   CW QSOs  SSB QSOs   Zones  HQs       Score
W5KFT   W5KFT    K5PI     SOHP CW     1918              109    100   1,200,914
KG5U    KG5U     KG5U     SOQP CW      269               36     15      35,751
K5NZ    K5NZ     K5NZ     SOQP CW      297               30      0      26,128
N3BB    N3BB     N3BB     SOHP MIX    1507      781     100     72   1,140,704
W5ZL    N5AW     W5ZL     SOLP MIX     824      316      82    119     587,208
K5NA    K5NA     many     M/S         1227     1283     125    119   1,746,552
W5VX    W5VX     many     M/S          784      425      73     43     429,548

(K5NA ops: K5NA, K5OT)
(W5VX ops: NA5C, NR5R, W5VX)

"Operating the contest with just two people is intense. The intent is for both operators to stay in the chair (and awake) for 24 hours. Larry and I managed to do that. While one of us was working stations the other operator was always determining the next band/mode to switch to. It got a little tough to stay awake for the last two or three hours, but we both made it." - K5NA

"We had a nasty rain and lightning cell come over at about 1900 UTC. I shut down and disconnected everything and took from 1909 UTC to 1942 UTC off, but operated with S9 rain static before and after; it probably cost me an hour overall. That occurred right in the middle of a pretty high rate run on 20 meters phone. I tried hard, and had pretty high rates." - N3BB

"I had a good time this weekend - conditions were surprisingly good. Ten meters was open all Saturday morning, and it was a good solid opening all over the US. Fifteen meters was good for stateside all day, too. I felt like I did pretty well, but staying awake in the chair for 24 hours was tough! You say there are 48 hour contests, too!?" - K5PI

"I decided to open the station to anyone that wanted to come operate. We had a good time, and I decided that I was not going to stay up all night. I went to bed at midnight. There was not a lot of DX, but the action was pretty hot with runs to the US on 20 meters and 40 meters. 10 meters was a bust with very little activity and we had only 200 QSOs on 15 meters. I always forget that I am going to have to listen to a lot of QRN for this contest. I should have gotten on 80 meters phone and worked a mult or two." - W5VX

"Due to prior commitments, I only got eight hours of operating time in. Due to a broken beam pointing NW and a broken rotator, I never heard much out of Europe on 10 meters, 15 meters, and 20 meters. But, I did manage to eke out a few DX QSOs on those bands. It was nice to find 10 meters open with some activity midday and to hear 20 meters open so late. My only JAs and KH6 were on 20 meters at around 0700 UTC." - KG5U


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