2006 CTDXCC ARRL 10 Meter Contest
Call Station Op Category QSOs Mults Score
KG5U KG5U KG5U SO QP CW 276 54 58,752
AD5A AD5A AD5A SO LP CW 302 63 76,104
K2UR K2UR K2UR SO LP CW 208 26 5,408
AC5AA AC5AA AC5AA SO LP CW 52 22 4,576
N5ZK N5ZK W5ASP SO HP CW 216 56 48,608
W5VX W5VX W5VX SO HP CW 762 84 247,632
K5NA K5NA K5NA SO HP CW 1011 87 351,828
AD5VJ AD5VJ AD5VJ SO LP MIX 115 44 13,728
AA5VU AA5VU AA5VU SO LP MIX 162 36 5,832
N5KF N5KF N5KF SO LP MIX 156 20 3,120
K5NZ K5NZ K5NZ SO HP MIX 758 123 284,868
NA4M NA4M NA4M SO HP MIX 112 49 14,406
K3TD K3TD K3TD SO LP SSB 113 35 7,910
W5DMB W5DMB W5DMB SO LP SSB 95 38 7,220
K5TR K5TR WM5R SO HP SSB 1177 87 204,798
NX5M NX5M many MS 1465 172 763,680
W5YAA W5YAA many MS 663 130 276,120
N3BB N3BB N3BB MS 96 34 13,056
W5YAA ops: W5YAA, K5YA
"Very interesting conditions. Very interesting, indeed. I made 50 fewer
QSOs on Friday night then I made over the next two days of operating. My
new AlfaSpid rotator got a real workout trying to keep up with the
propagation changes. The six positioning buttons on the 'mouse' really
helped a lot." - KG5U
"Very odd conditions. I figured that I would operate for a while, get tired
and quit. The band opened up for the first three hours of the contest and I
worked 300+ QSOs (more than I figured I would get for the whole contest).
The only other actual opening was on Sunday after lunch for an hour (another
100 QSOs). The rest of the contest was hunt and peck and CQ. I had a couple
of unusual happenings: a ZL station called long path in the morning on
Saturday; 5H3, CU, and CT all called in within about ten minutes of each other
on Saturday morning; and finally, JA and A35 called in about 4:00 p.m. local
time on Sunday afternoon. I'm not sure if you'd call this fun, since it
seemed a lot like work, but I'd do it again." - W5VX
"I had little time to operate with my family and holiday activities. Outside
of some good Eskip on Friday night, propagation seemed pretty poor during
the times I was on." - NA4M
" This was the 10th consecutive year to do the ARRL 10 Meter Contest in the
multi-op category. Each year there are some old faces along with some new
ones. This year was no different, as K5PI stepped in after two other
regular operators were not going to make it this year.....one had a change of
plans, so he never made it, and the other simply never showed up. The only
regular with me this year was N5XJ, who has operated every 10 Meter Contest
with me going back to 1997 (from the new location).....even more if the
late '80s and early '90s are counted. This was the toughest 10 Meter Contest
in 10 years!" - NX5M
"I haven't operated a contest in a few years. I only intended to get on
Saturday for a few QSOs. However, it was a dreary weekend in South Texas,
so I played a little longer than I had intended. I didn't start until 1715
UTC on Saturday, so I missed some of the earlier openings." -AD5A
"I used a Kenwood TS-2000 barefoot to a homemade 10 meter Moxon up 35
feet." - W5DMB
"Wow, propagation was all over the place. And, boy, has my neighborhood
gotten noisey on 10 meters. Unfortunately, I only had an hour or so of
operating, spread across both days. Several times during the contest, I
got on and the only signal on the band was K5NA calling CQ (while
reading a book). Go get 'em Richard! Can't wait for propagation to return!"
"This year the contest was exceptionally interesting as propagation was very
interesting with all of the solar flares. The band went all the way from
silent band to New Zealand, which was the highlight of the contest
for me here." - AD5VJ
"I have never had as good a start to the ARRL 10 Meter Contest as
I had this year. The Eskip was great right from the start. By
0016 UTC, I had TR Log's rate meter at 276 QSOs/hour! The 181 QSO
first hour was the best first hour I've ever had in this
contest. By the time the band really closed on Friday night, I
had over 550 QSOs in the log, by far the most I've ever had after
the first night of the contest. Saturday and Sunday, unfortunately,
were quite different. There was Eskip both days, but nothing like what
I got on Friday night." - WM5R (@ K5TR)
"I gave up early as the 10 meter band was not that good. I did manage to work
one new (to me) country on phone with my QSO with 3XM6JR." - AA5VU
"I dabbled in the contest with my low power indoor array. A few years ago, I
even won a certificate in this one with this setup, but alas ole Sol is letting
us down. Usually, the southern states are duck soup from here, but this year I
only worked one W5, and he was in New Mexico. No Florida, Mississippi,
Louisiana, Texas, etc. I think all the propagation was of the other than
ionospheric varieties like in a VHF contest! The Caribbean and South America
where good at times." - K2UR
"Nice to be back on 10 meters, and to see some Eskip too! Next time I'll have
to get the voice keyer going before the contest starts!" - K3TD
"This contest started off with some great openings on Friday evening. I had a
130 QSO first hour and a 90 QSO second hour. The QSOs were rolling in. By
midnight, I had about 400 QSOs, which was 300 ahead of what I had done the
year before. After midnight, I thought I should stop for the night because
I was getting very tired and because I planned to get up an hour before
sunrise. But the band was still open, though I was only doing about 20 QSOs
per hour at that time. I went on to bed, not realizing that on Saturday there
would be times that I would have wanted a 20 QSO per hour rate back again.
But the contest was fun anyway, and I managed to read all of Larry McMurtry's
newest novel, Telegraph Days, on Saturday." - K5NA
"I missed the Friday night Eskip event. Saturday was a hum-drum affair, and
Sunday was hum-drum, minus 20 dB." - N3BB