2005 CTDXCC CQ World Wide WPX Contest, Phone
Call Station Ops Category QSOs Mults Score
KI5DR K5NA KI5DR SOAB HP 2367 766 3,260,096
NX5M NX5M NX5M SOAB HP A 1077 518 1,046,878
K5NZ K5NZ K5NZ SOAB HP A 596 400 500,800
W5GAI W5GAI W5GAI SOAB LP 462 ? 345,186
K5WWT K5WWT K5WWT SOAB LP 218 153 70,686
KK5MI KK5MI KK5MI SOAB LP 140 114 30,096
WM5R WM5R WM5R SOAB LP TS 92 76 13,224
NU5F K5YA many M/S HP 1272 602 1,542,926
NN5AA K5NA many M/2 HP 246 191 102,185
NU5F ops: K5YA, W5YAA
NN5AA ops: K5DU, K5NA
"All my QSOs were S&P contacts, and I had a really fun time. One new one
I worked was UA0AZA on 20 meters." - K5WWT
"There was quite a bit of thunderstorm activity Friday night and Saturday
that caused us to unplug four times and wait it out (better safe than fried).
I had a pipeline to South America on 10 meters, but nowhere else (I worked
some stateside on backscatter!) I made some 160 meter QSOs this year which
I've skipped in this contest in previous years." - KI5DR (@ K5NA)
"I think WPX SSB should be held so that it does not conflict with Easter
weekend. Sometimes it would be in March and other times it would be in April.
Due to this conflict, I had little time to really operate. Band conditions
sounded pretty good, with the exception of thunderstorm noise the first night."
- NX5M
"I wish I had planned something for this contest as I found conditions
pretty darn good while I was on. I just put in a few hours to help the
club score, since my race plans for weekend were rained out." - K5NZ
"40 meters was a bust, as the Friday night wind, rain, and hail took out my
inverted vee antenna. I was lucky - the hail was nickel size, heavy,
blowing horizontally, and fierce. The wind blew over the chimney of a
neighbor across the street, and took shingles off all up and down the street
across from me." - W5GAI
"Because of Easter weekend and other scheduled activities, I only operated
about three hours on Saturday and maybe two hours on Sunday. I wish I had
had more time to work this one." - KK5MI
"The antenna system I have at home leaves something to be desired. In theory,
it is a 40 meter dipole and a 20 meter dipole sharing a common feedpoint just a
little above my roof (maybe 25' - 30' above ground) but in practice the antenna
is only vaguely resonant (5:1 SWR) on 40 meters, not resonant at all on 20
meters, and requires the rig's autotuner on all the bands I use it on. I keep
thinking I should work on it, but I never do." - WM5R