2005 CTDXCC CQ World Wide DX CW Operations
Call Station Op(s) Category QSOs Zones Countries Score
N5AW N5AW N5AW SOAB LP 1202 137 402 1,759,296
AD5VJ AD5VJ AD5VJ SOAB LP 236 55 128 90,402
NA4M NA4M NA4M SOAB LP 71 22 48 14,350
W5GAI W5GAI W5GAI SOAB LP 42 22 31 5,512
K5YA K5YA K5YA SOAB HP A 1972 142 487 3,520,890
K5NA K5NA K5NA SOAB HP A 1105 166 562 2,197,104
W5VX W5VX W5VX SOAB HP A 1123 138 424 1,612,378
N3BB N3BB N3BB SOAB HP A 139 37 84 46,827
K5NZ K5NZ K5NZ SOSB HP 40 319 29 93 105,164
NX5M NX5M NX5M SOSB HP 160 A 82 15 42 10,602
W5KFT W5KFT many M/2 1657 133 445 2,483,088
W5KFT ops: K5PI, N1XS, W5TA
"80 meters was as good to Europe as I've ever heard it the first evening, but
thunderstorms in the area limited things later in the evening and finally
forced a station shut down at 0900 UTC. QRN was still very bad when I resumed
at 1200 UTC, so I went to the high bands as soon as they opened. I still
have lots of work to do on antennas - I hope to at least have that 40 meter
beam up by the ARRL International DX Contest, CW." - N5AW
"Ninety-eight percent of my operation was search and pounce and chasing
packet spots. I think I only called CQ briefly on three occasions when I
was getting really bored. But, usually a needed multiplier would appear
on packet and I would cut the CQing short to run off to chase the multiplier
in a big pileup. It is interesting that as I grow older, the time goes by
faster and the contests seem shorter. Time seems to compress now for me and
the contests seem to be over soon after they have started." - K5NA
"I lost AC power some two hours before the end of contest, so I missed my
favorite part. I enjoyed making many new contacts and I especially enjoyed
the way the N1MM Logging program made things so easy to do so." - AD5VJ
"Terrible rain static on Saturday morning messed things up, but the Sunday
morning long pathe opening made up for it! That is some cool stuff for sure!"
- K5NZ
"We started with one Ameritron AL-1500 and one of my Yaesu FL-2100 amplifiers
that would only do about 300 watts output. In the wee hours of Saturday
morning, we heard a loud POP! and the AL-1500 blew both fuses. We tried
some troubleshooting, but it was clearly out of the game. 80 meters was
awesome for us. We worked most of our 80M meter multipliers with 300 watts."
- K5PI (@ W5KFT)
"I managed to get in a few hours operating Sunday morning before work
and got a better idea of how my new beam is working." - NA4M
"We had a family reunion here over the Thanksgiving week through Saturday,
and a memorial service for a friend Sunday all afternoon pretty well shut
off all hopes of any participation other then a brief time Saturday night
and again on Sunday morning." - N3BB
"Very little time available this weekend, so very few QSOs logged." - W5GAI