2005 CTDXCC Sweepstakes CW Operations
Station Op Call Category QSOs Mults Score
K5NZ K5NZ K5NZ SOQP 280 72 40,320
W5KFT K5PI W5KFT SOLP 1114 79 176,012
K5TR KE5C K5TR SOHP 1150 80 184,000
W5VX W5VX W5VX SOHP 704 80 112,640
K5YA K5YA K5YA SO/U 1221 80 195,360
W5TA W5TA W5TA SO/U 542 76 82,384
K5NA many K5NA M/S 1275 80 204,000
K5NA ops: K5NA, K5DU
"This is the first time I've had a clean sweep since I moved to Texas.
I've made between 1100 and 1300 QSOs in previous years and always come up
one or two short on sections. I never hunt for them, always figured if you
make enough contacts, all the sections will show up. This year, I only
needed NNY and DE on the second day. Both showed up early, proving my
multiplier theory works at least once every ten years." - K5YA
"Susan K5DU and I decided to do a multi-op this year and just have some fun.
The CW Sweepstakes is the contest that got me interested in contesting back
in 1958 when I was KN5PFL. So I certainly wanted get on and participate in
one way or the other. It is always great fun to do this one." - K5NA
"I was only able to do a half-time effort. I always shoot for 200 QSOs in
the first two hours, but was only able to get 182. In fact, this year I
seemed to have a more difficult time keeping the rate meter up. Either I'm
just getting old or my antennas are too high or I had too many interruptions
or it's George Bush's fault - I certainly have my excuses down well!" -W5VX
"I was exhausted going in due to work and family issues, and I am sure that
influenced the number of errors I surely made and fills I requested, although
I doubt I could have done much better score-wise under any circumstances.
I just learned the code at too old an age (my thirties) to ever be really
good. How do you put it in words - I dunno, but I am still hearing 'SS'
ringing in my ears." - KE5C (@ K5TR)
"Once again I failed to finish the Sweepstakes. I thought I had myself
talked into a full effort, but I lack the disipline to stay in the chair
with distractions like sunny days and riding, annual local deer camp
poker games, hay to be moved...you get the picture!" - K5NZ
"I went into this having already missed one of my objectives, which was
adding a second 40 meter vertical so I would have a phased array. I spent
too much time doing search and pounce looking for multipliers. On Sunday
morning, stations weren't coming back to me and then were asking for too
many fills, so I got discouraged and took a break. When I got back in the
chair, I realized that I had been working 20 meters with my 40 meter antenna
(no wonder the SWR was a little high). Note to self: Don't rearrange your
antenna switching layout right before a contest. I hope to do better next
year." - W5TA
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