2004 CTDXCC Sweepstakes CW Operations
Station Op Call Category QSOs Mults Score
N3BB N3BB N3BB SOHP 1299 80 207,840
K5NA K5NA K5NA SOHP 1265 80 202,400
W5KFT K5PI W5KFT SOHP 1238 80 198,080
K5YA K5YA K5YA SOHP 916 78 142,896
W5RQ W5RQ W5RQ SOHP 770 80 123,200
N5AW N5AW N5AW SOLP 601 80 96,160
K5NZ K5NZ K5NZ SOLP 557 75 83,250
N5AW W5ZL W5ZL SOLP 515 76 78,280
K5IID K5IID K5IID SOLP 500 77 77,000
K5OT K5OT K5OT SOLP 417 78 65,052
W5JAW W5JAW W5JAW SOLP 306 74 45,288
KG5U KG5U KG5U SOQP 689 79 108,704
"I can remember when I was afraid to do the CW Sweepstakes. It seems
that the older I get, the more I enjoy CW contests. That is not to
say I am a good CW op, because that is not true, and I've never been
accused of being one either. My fist has always been terrible. Anyway,
I had a great time! I had forgotten how much fun it is to operate the
Sweepstakes from this part of the country. Super fun!" - K5IID
"As evidenced by my band breakdowns, 15 meters was its pretty usual
awesome self, while 80 meters was absolutely drop-dead beautiful!
80 meters conditions Saturday night/Sunday morning were so good, it
seemed like I couldn't make myself not be heard. Virtually everyone
I called answered and >90% had no fill requests. CQ runs were fair
to better-than-S&Ping. In retrospect, I wish now I had turned on
the function in TR Log that identifies in the log which were CQ and which
were S&P QSOs. I'm betting that in this contest, 25% or more were
CQ QSOs." - KG5U
"I'd say conditions were good overall, but with a few oddities. 10 meters
was open, but it didn't offer the broad propagation that I wanted to keep
the rate up, so I stuck to 15 meters and 20 meters. Ah, but then there was
40 meters. Working 40 meters in Sweepstakes is so nice because you can work
stations at quite varied distances. I didn't think I'd do much on 80 meters,
but the noise level was low, and there were plenty of people to work. I was
glad to have some locals in there duking it out." - K5PI (@ W5KFT)
"40 meters was especially good to me this year, because I have always had
low QSO numbers there before in the CW Sweepstakes. I slept about four
hours before getting back on around 1300 UTC. That was a mistake, because
I should have been back earlier milking the morning crowd on the low bands.
About 1500-1600 UTC on Sunday, the bottom dropped out when a flare or
something bad happened to the bands. The rest of the day, I had to listen
to raspy and watery signals. It made it really rough to get exchanges,
especially on back-scatter signals." - K5NA
"I took the time to learn how to do SO2R with WriteLog. This was my
first serious effort using two radios. I spent several hours of the
second day doing SO2R. I think I'm pretty comfortable with it now, but
I'm not ready to try it in the first few hours of the Sweepstakes contest
yet." - K5YA
"I just couldn't stay away from the CW Sweepstakes this year. We got home
from our HC8 trip late (almost midnight) Friday night - and I was still
pretty tired from the travel. I unpacked the Kenwood TS-850 on Saturday
morning, and decided I'd better check it out before putting it on the shelf.
So, I put it temporarily on the front seat of the truck and hooked it up.
On and off again sessions in our driveway, and one trip over to the Dell
Diamond parking lot, kept me occupied for about 10 out of the 30 hours of the
contest. Let me tell you - it's pretty hard to hold a frequency when you're
running low power and the bands get busy. Try it with Hustler whip in a
mobile sometime! Whew." - K5OT
"After putting in a full time effort in CQ World Wide Phone the weekend
before, I did not intend to enter the CW Sweepstakes seriously. Gary W5ZL
was to operate from my station. On Friday, Gary called to say he could
not operate Saturday but could Sunday - perhaps we could do a multi-op?
I have neither an amp nor packet but agreed to operate the first 12 hours
if Gary would operate the last 12 hours. However, when Gary showed up on
Sunday morning and I had made only 600 QSOs, we decided our M score
was not going to be competitive. Gary thought it would be more fun to use
his own call as `fresh meat' rather than having 600 stations already worked.
We did not realize that by ARRL rules this is not legal - two calls can't
be used from the same station in one contest if they use the same
transmitter. Apparently, had Gary brought his own rig, his QSOs would have
been legal, but since he used mine they were not. So W5ZL's 515 QSOs
were for naught as far as score goes. It doesn't seem quite fair, but
that's the rule. I understand why it was put in, but perhaps it's time
for a modification?" - N5AW
"This one will be my best, I suppose. 40 meters and 15 meters were the
QSO bands. 20 meters accounted for about half as many QSOs as 40 and
15, and 10 meters was open but too `thin' in terms of footprint. 80 meters
was open too, but not many casuals were there, and I had worked most of the
`players' before. But, it seems there always are some new guys in there.
Looking at the band totals, I suppose I worked a lot stations on 80 meters
after all, but it didn't seem like it at the time." - N3BB
"I had an absolute ball operating Marv's station. This was my first `real'
experience with an Orion (wow!) and his SteppIR beam (major wow!) since he
got all that going. Despite the late start, the funky conditions, and a
rather leisurely approach to the day, including fairly frequent breaks and
a nice long walk out in the `back forty' where Marv has two new towers
about to be planted, I did OK for me - 515 QSOs and 76 multipliers. I
never got MB, YT, VI, or AK, and I thought I might end up dead before ever
hearing an SC station, but then worked two of them back-to-back in the
last hour." - W5ZL (@ N5AW)
"I planned to get on for a few hours Saturday afternoon during peak hours.
Blame it on the Aggies, who showed early signs of upsetting Oklahoma, that
I didn't make it on that afternoon until half-time. Then I snuck in about
20 minutes of operating for 36 QSOs. Then the UT-Oklahome State game came
on. I almost turned it off and started SS'n when UT fell behind 7-35 in
the first half. Jan and I went out to Houston's for a quick bite. When
we got back, I figured I would go upstairs and see what was going on in
Sweepstakes. I decided to check the TV and see how bad the score was and
saw that UT was driving down the field as the second half started. Well,
you guessed it. The most amazing comeback I've seen in many a year kept
me on the couch. It was after 10:30 by the time I finally made it to the
rig." - W5JAW
"40 meters and 80 meters were going wild. Apparently there was virtually
no atmospheric activity anywhere across the country, and the signals were
outstanding -- and there were lots of 'em." - W5RQ
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