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2002 CTDXCC ARRL 160 Meter Contest

Station   Op      Category  QSOs   Sects   Ctys   Score
K5NA      K5NA    SO HP     1158     77     17    230,112
NA4M      NA4M    SO HP      133     46      3     13,622
N5AW      N5AW    SO LP      205     63      3     27,852
KI5DR     KI5DR   SO LP       10      4      0         80
N5TW      many    MS HP     1081     76     14    200,520
NX5M      many    MS HP     1062     78     12    200,340

N5TW ops: W5TA, KE5C, N5TW
NX5M ops: NX5M, N5XJ, UA0OFF

"This is the first time that I did not start a contest on time. At 2315 UTC, we were finally on the air. My first QSO was with K5NA running barefoot while the amp warmed up. I don't think a late start makes that much of a difference in the ARRL 160 Meter Contest anyway....at least here in Texas, and even moreso out west." - NX5M

"I employed my usual - sleep & pounce, sleep & pounce... I spent my Saturday evening building a serial port keyer interface, only to realize I had bought a male DB9, not a female DB9! Whoops! So, I continued using my paddles." - KI5DR

"The bands were quite noisy this weekend, and the QSB was some of the most dramatic that I have ever heard. One moment a station might be S7-8, and the next he would be back in the mud. I sometimes would keep sending QRZ or a question mark hoping that the station wouldn't give up and QSY before the QSB brought him back up to copyable levels. Most stuck around and kept trying. As a result of poor beverage performance, I spent 99% of the contest listening on the transmitting antenna. I know that many people called me that I just couldn't dig out of the noise." - K5NA

"There seemed to be plenty of activity, and as noted by others, it was very common to have multiple stations on or very near to someone else's run frequency. I'll bet there will be a lot of QSOs thrown out of logs due to some operators thinking that they worked someone, when in fact they were working someone else just off their frequency. The 160M DX window was a challenge, with some rock-crusher signals being so close to the window that key clicks smothered part of the window." - NA4M

"This was the contest last year that inspired the need for an `OMNI mode' on my new four-square - the thing worked just too well to hold a frequency/be heard on alternate coasts. Enter the `OMNI-IZER' that WX0B cooked up for me for the W1AW/5 effort last summer - the difference was huge and we ran in OMNI mode almost the entire time. Band conditions were mercifully quiet, and we had six more DX stations in the log, including some EU and JA. We made about 15% more QSOs than last year, and beat last year's score by almost 25%. I'm betting that scores will be up big time with the conditions." - N5TW

"I entered the contest primarily to test antennas. I put up an inverted vee this fall when my tower went from 78 feet to 135 feet. It's installed at the 130 foot level but, although I've worked some pretty good DX with it, it hasn't seemed to have the punch my previous antenna had (four elevated radials on the 78 foot tower). I had also put up an 80 meter half sloper at 110 feet when I raised the tower. So I decided to lengthen the half sloper to resonate it on 160. Wow - the sloper was way better - midwest stations 2 or 3 S-units stronger than on the inverted vee. Got a nice run going with rates approaching 100 per hour." - N5AW


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