2000 IARU HF World Championship
Call Station Op Category CW QSOs SSB QSOs HQs Zones Score
NA4M NA4M NA4M SOHP MIX 149 580 130 319,020
K5TR W5KFT K5TR SOHP SSB 2243 80 136 1,721,520
K5NZ K5NZ many M/S 1120 888 200 1,543,200
N5XU N5XU many M/S 89 162 25 35 59,580
(K5NZ ops: W5BAK, K5GA, K5NZ)
(N5XU ops: WM5R, net)
"I made 483 band changes and 250+ second radio QSOs. It is too bad
that there is so little activity on 40 meter and 80 meter SSB in this
contest - it really slows down the hunting on the second radio
when you can not find anyone new to work. The HQ stations were
very loud on 40 meters but very few 'normal' guys were on that band." - K5TR
"I had a lot of fun chasing the World Radiosport Team Championship 2000
contestants on 20 meters and 15 meters. I worked enough of the WRTC
stations to get a prize T-shirt from the WRTC sponsors. I also dabbled
in the CQ World Wide VHF Contest that same weekend." - WM5R (@ N5XU)
"A fun contest during the middle of a hot Texas summer." - NA4M
"Conditions made this very enjoyable, even using tribanders! We went to 10
meters for the last five minutes and caught a LP opening to Japan for some
nice closing multiplierss. I agree with others that allowing M/S stations
to work multipliers without a 10 minute rule would make this more fun for
the M/S guys." - K5NZ