DX and Contest Forum Program
DXpeditioning in India
Sarla Sharma VU2SWS is one of India's most active DXpeditioners. She has
been a member of the AT0BI, AT0RI, and AT0AI IOTA DXpeditions and the
2006 VU7LD Dxpedition to Lakshadweep.
Presenting documentary photos and video from the VU7LD DXpedition, Sarla
will talk about the challenges and rewards of serious amateur
radio operating from difficult and remote island locations in south Asia.
A resident of Mumbai, Sarla is a former vice president of the
Amateur Radio Society of India.
Software Defined Radios, the CW Skimmer, and the Future of CW
Bob Wilson N6TV will be addressing one of the most timely and
controversial developments in amateur radio contesting and DXing.
Come learn more about the capabilities of software defined radios and
the advanced software that can decode hundreds of on-air signals at
once. Bob has extensive hands-on experience with the latest hardware
and software, including practical considerations for competitive
stations. Bob is a former president and active member of the
Northern California Contest Club and
has twice represented the USA in the
World Radiosport Team Championships. You don't want to miss this!
CW Pileup Competition
A long standing Dayton Hamvention
tradition is coming to Summerfest! Every year since 1981, the
Kansas City DX Club has hosted a
really fun (in a masochistic way) little competition that draws a big crowd.
Rick N0RB, keeper of the KCDXC Pileup Machine, has graciously volunteered
to bring the CW Pileup Contest Machine to Austin to test our mettle.
The format is straightforward - Participants are seated at a table and
given a set of headphones, pencil and paper. They are charged with copying
as many calls as possible from a pileup of about 100 calls. The pileup file
(created anew each time by Tom, NØSS, from a list of calls selected and
submitted by Russ, KØVXU) simulates a possible "on the air" experience,
with some calls sent once, some twice, at varying speeds and pitches.
Some calls are "in the clear", but many are on top each other. After about
five minutes, the test is over, and the current participants are replaced
by the next set of six. This cycle continues until everybody
who wants to play has had their shot.
The entry sheets will be scored by a team of dedicated CTDXCC members who
will compare them - poor penmanship and all - with the answer key to determine
each contestant's score. As soon as the last tests have been scored and the
results tallied, the standings and winners will be announced. The Pileup
will start promptly at 1:00 PM in the Blanco Room and will conclude before
3:00 PM. Come join in the fun.
Friday Night Contesters Dinner
Back by popular demand, the Summerfest Friday Night Contesters Dinner
will be at The
Original El Mercado South. El Mercado has been an Austin Tex-Mex
institution for over 20 years. The dinner will be Friday night, August 1,
at 7:00 PM, with the arrival of special guest Bob Wilson N6TV. Please RSVP to
George K5TR if you plan to attend.
El Mercado
1302 South First Street
Austin, TX 78704
Phone: (512) 447-7445