DX and Contest Forum Program
Tim Duffy K3LR knows what it takes to build a world-class amateur radio
Contest Station Design and Tour
Tim Duffy K3LR will cover the basics of station design for radio
contesting. Tim has built an impressive, award-winning
multi-operator contest station in
western Pennsylvania, and has long been the organizer of the
Dayton Hamvention Antenna
Forum. Tim will be showing a video documentary of his station and
describe the thought process behind its design and construction.
Come see what's possible in amateur radio, and learn how you can
improve your own station.
Can you imagine yourself on the radio from an exotic
African DX Safari: Botswana 2007
Jay Sewell W5SL/A25SL will share his story of amateur radio adventure in
southern Africa. Organized by Frosty K5LBU of
African DX Safaris,
Jay's trip to Botswana included fourteen days of operating from
the Stevensford Game Reserve located on the Limpopo River in
Botswana's Tuli Block, about 450 kilometers northeast of Johannesburg.
Come learn what it takes to become a DXpeditioner, and share in the
challenges and rewards of being on the other side of the pileups!
Join the excitement in DXing and radio contesting!
DXing for Everyone
You don't have to have an antenna farm and a few kilowatts to chase
DX or enter a weekend radio contest. Gary Schmidt W5ZL will cover the
basics, including operating techniques, propagation tips, station design,
antennas, QSL cards and the Logbook of the World, Internet and
packet-based DX spotting, fun contests to get your DXing totals up,
where to find contest rules and other resources on the Internet, and
more! This is a great opportunity to supercharge your ham radio
Friday Night Contesters Dinner
Back by popular demand, the Summerfest Friday Night Contesters Dinner
will be at Jaime's Spanish
Village. Jaime's Spanish Village has been serving Tex-Mex food in Austin
since 1931. The dinner will be Friday night, August 3, at 7:00 PM.
Dinner topics are sure to be interesting! The dinner will also serve as a
fund raiser for the CTDXCC - when you chip in for your meal, be generous,
any overage will go to the club treasury! Please RSVP to
k5nz@aol.com if you plan to attend.
We will have room for about 30. RSVP cut off date is July 20, as a deposit
is required by the restaurant. The dinner is organized by K5PI, K5TR,
and K5NZ!
Jaime's Spanish Village
802 Red River St
Austin, TX
Phone: (512) 476-5149