The Central Texas DX and Contest Club
(CTDXCC) is proud to be the continuing sponsor of the DX and Contest
Forum at Austin Summerfest.
The 2005 Austin Summerfest was held on August 5th and 6th, at the
Lion Hotel, 6121 North IH-35 (@ US 290 East), Austin, Texas.
The DX and Contest Forum was held from 10 AM to noon on Saturday.
Over 100 people attended the DX and Contest Forum, including many from
the ARES and emergency cmmunications interest groups.
DX and Contest Forum Program
Amateur Radio shines during natural disaster. Come see eyewitness
documentary video never before presented to an audience!
The VU4 DXPedition: Video and Presentation
[10:00 AM]
Charly Harpole K4VUD will premier some of his personal video
documentary of the 2004 VU4RBI/VU4NRO DXpedition to the Andaman & Nicobar
Islands at Summerfest 2005. A film studies professor at the University
of Central Florida, Charly was filming a documentary of the first
Amateur Radio operation from VU4 in over 17 years when the second-largest
ever-recorded earthquake struck the islands and generated a tsunami
that was among the deadliest natural disasters in modern history.
Charly and the team of radio operators on the island all survived the
catastrophe and the team immediately began handling emergency traffic.
At Summerfest, Charly will be debuting some of his documentary video
that has never before been presented. You don't want to miss this!
[70 minutes]
Do you like learning about antennas? How about BIG antennas? Come hear
about one of the world's largest ham radio antennas!
Living Large on the Top Band
[~11:10 AM]
John Battin K9DX has built one of the largest antenna systems ever used
for Amateur Radio communications. His nine-element vertical array
for 160 Meters covers 8 acres of land, and uses over a mile of 1 5/8"
hardline, a mile and a half of guy lines, and over 24 miles of radial
wires. An antenna this large could only have been designed by Texan John
Brosnahan W0UN/5, who is planning to build an 80 Meter array much like this
for himself in Bandera County. Come hear K9DX explain how this antenna is
designed to work, how he built this Texas-size antenna system on the
Illinois plain, and learn about the challenges he faced in getting it
to work up to its potential. If you have a passion for antennas, you
don't want to miss this presentation!
[50 minutes]