The Central Texas DX and Contest Club
(CTDXCC) is proud to be the continuing sponsor of the DX and Contest
Forum at Austin Summerfest.
The 2004 Austin Summerfest was August 6th and 7th, at the
Lion Hotel, 6121 North IH-35 (@ US 290 East), Austin, Texas.
The DX and Contest Forum was held from 10 AM to noon on Saturday.
Attendance at the forum peaked at just over 100 for the first forum topic.
DX and Contest Forum Program
Join the excitement in DXing and radio contesting!
DXing and Contesting for Everyone
You don't have to have an antenna farm and a few kilowatts to chase
DX or enter a weekend radio contest. Susan K5DU, Gary W5ZL and
Gale WB0YEA will cover the basics, including operating techniques,
propagation tips, station design, antennas, QSL cards and the Logbook
of the World, Internet and packet-based DX spotting (live demo!),
fun contests to get your feet wet, where to find contest rules and
other resources on the Internet, and more! This is a great opportunity
to supercharge your ham radio experience!
[40 minutes]
Presentation Available: in
HTML and
MS PowerPoint format.
Come learn about mobile operation in Texas' very own fun operating event, the
Texas QSO Party!
The Texas QSO Party: Our Own Fun Operating Event
The Texas QSO Party is a popular radio contest where the focus is
on Texas stations and Texas counties! John Dvoracek KE5C and others
will review the history of this contest and describe how you can
participate! The forum will cover basic equipment and options for
logging contacts. Mobile HF stations, traveling from county to
county, add a lot of fun to this operating event - learn how you can
participate as a mobile station, what kind of planning is involved
in a successful mobile operation, and how recent mobile station
operations have done in the contest. The forum will also cover
special equipment for multi-operator mobile operation, and will
conclude with questions and answers.
[40 minutes]
Share the DXpedition experience on a remote Pacific island!
The August, 2003 V73T IOTA DXpedition to Taongi Atoll
Buzz Jehle N5UR will present his experience in DXpeditioning to
one of the most remote Pacific islands. Share in the comprehensive
and detailed planning behind the first IOTA activation of this small,
uninhabited atoll. Experience the challenge of sailing across 450
miles of open water, then negotiating the narrow reef passage in a
17' dinghy to transfer equipment and supplies three miles across
the lagoon to the operating site. Learn about the operating strategy,
pileups, fickle propagation, high winds and sudden severe electrical
storms during 76 hours' activity. Find out the requirements to
certify this operation for IOTA credit.
[40 minutes]
CTDXCC/TDXS Joint Meeting