This is an example of the propagation prediction
charts generated by IC Graph. Click on the image for a high resolution
IC Graph is a Visual Basic application written for use inside Microsoft
Excel. It uses the IONCAP HF propagation software engine to produce
data that it then charts. IC Graph requires Microsoft Excel 97 or higher,
IONCAP, and an input .INP file to run.
IONCAP is available from many sources, and is the engine behind many
commercial software propagation products. Tom recommends
WinCAP Wizard from
Kangaroo Tabor Software. Another
alternative is CAPman, also available from Kangaroo Tabor Software,
but CAPman is a bit arcane and will not run on computers faster than 700
To download these files, you may need to right-click the link and
select "Save Link As..."
contest.INP has the "input card deck" used to
produce the runs. It can be edited, but data is column sensitive, so be
careful. For questions or comments on the software, please contact
Tom Whiteside N5TW.