What is DXing?
The term DX comes from an abbreviation for "distance" that has
been used by Morse code operators for over a century. A DXer is
someone who listens to, or seeks out contact with, other radio stations
in distant or exotic places. For an amateur radio DXer, it is usually
not the content of the communications that is important, it is the
ability to establish two-way communications at all that is important.
DXers are known for giving the extra effort to improve their stations
and their operating skills in order to "work" that next rare DX station.
Many DXers enjoy collecting QSL cards from other Amateur Radio stations
they contact over the air. Ask a DXer to show you their QSL card
collection, and you may be pleasantly surprised to see cards from all
over the world - from exotic islands, remote desert lands, arctic regions,
or other places you've read about and maybe imagined visiting some day.
Many members of the Central Texas DX and Contest Club are internationally
recognized DXers, who have earned DXing awards for their documented on-air
contacts. Several of our members have become DX themselves, travelling
abroad and making contacts from the place like the Caribbean, southern
Africa, the South Pacific, Antarctic islands, or central Asia.
If you have an interest in DXing, you should become a member of the