Welcome |
The Central Texas DX and Contest Club (CTDXCC)
is a group of amateur radio operators in the Central Texas area with a news
special interest in amateur radio
DXing and radiosport
Most of the membership is from the Travis, Williamson, and Hays
counties of central Texas, with most club members living near
Austin, Texas. We always welcome
visitors and new members!
January 14, 2025
President Glen WB4KTF called the first quarter 2025 Zoom meeting to order at 1830 CST. In attendance were KJ5T, W5MJ, K5PI, KF5C, N5DD, AD0K, WB4KTF, W9BF, NA5TT, KB5JM, KB5JM, KB5WWW, KG5RXE, N5TJ, Wayne (unidentified), WA5LHM, new member David Sanchez KJ5IVP, W5OZ, AC5AA, AA5R, N0VRP, new member Eric Rust K5LH, W5BK, and W5AJ. KJ5IVP and K5LH each received a rousing welcome and the new member packet will be arriving by steamship within a reasonable time . . .
The Program: The program was the KH8T DXpedition in September, 2024, by N5DD, W5PI, VE7KW, and KC5DJI. The DXpedition team was on 160 thru 6m and supplied Club Log with daily logs. The team reported that 10m was great in the middle of night! Team captain N5DD attempted to obtain Superfox certification; unfortunately, it was delayed and not used; the other FT modes were used to greet the unwashed to lots of Qs. The count on all modes and code exceeded over 43,000 total Qs for the trip. There was a third station used for FT8 only while the other two stations worked SSB and CW. There are no resident hams on American Samoa for local support but the team managed without any additional support by excellent planning. The facility was an AirBNB with a good hostess next door. She provided a meal of local delicacies at considerable expense, but the food was good. Too bad the team forgot to ask the price ahead of time . . .
DX Report: On, nearly on, and soon to be on are lots of DX, including SSB, CW and FT, so there is something for everyone. Get on the air and work them!
The Treasury: Treasurer SteveKJ5T reported $5397.70 in the kitty. CTDXCC has no required dues but if you belong to the club and want it to continue to be solvent, donations are accepted. Send a check to KJ5T.
Business and member contributions:. There was no old business nor new business, but several of us stuck around after we adjourned and talked about things which were on our minds. [Ed. note: If you really want to know about these things, attend the Zoom meetings - the program was really good - or attend the social gathering on the last Tuesday of the month - or read the After Action reports issued after the social gathering. If things are really important, they would be reported . . .]
We adjourned at 1956 CST.
Madison, W5MJ